news item

Co-MC of 2015 Toronto Pan-Am Games launch
Play Me, I’m Yours
An interactive phenomenon in Sao Paolo, New York, Paris and London, the Play Me, I’m Yours
street pianos project, originally created by Luke Jerram, is coming to
Toronto—with a Pan Am twist. In July, forty-one pianos—each painted by a
local professional artist with roots in one of 41 Pan American
countries—will be unveiled for the first time in Canada and placed in
accessible spaces across the city core where the public is encouraged to
spontaneously break out and play a tune. This exercise in harmony
through diversity will be launched at a special celebration and free
concert in David Pecaut Square on the evening of July 10. Torontonians
will be invited to tickle the ivories at 41 iconic Toronto locations all
month long. The presentation of Play Me, I’m Yours is brought to you in part by CIBC, Lead Partner of the TORONTO 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games. For more details on Play Me, I’m Yours, visit streetpianos.ca.
WHEN: Tuesday, July 10, 8:00 p.m.
WHERE: David Pecaut Square at Metro Hall