The Rest
Miller's greatest skill is not unlike that of a jazz virtuoso: he riffs superbly... "
- The Toronto Star
I'm still not sure what suasion and the limbic system have to do with Ayn Rand in purple fuzzy slippers having sex in a backstage dressing room - but I think I like it"
- The Globe and Mail
"HARDSELL succinctly illustrates how living in a consumer society seems to either makes hypocrites out of us or turn us into self-righteous jerks."
- The Globe and Mail
a work that is as much a theatrical thoughtscape as a landscape... as a provocateur, Miller's quicksilver talent and charm remains undiminished..."
- The Toronto Sun
"HARDSELL is another Miller/Brooks opus that fascinates like a cobra. Hypnotized, we can’t look away..."
- Classical 96 FM
Rick Miller addresses brutal truths in HARDSELL, a thoughtful and entertaining show about maintaining a healthy conscience in a free market..."
- NOW Magazine
à la Bigger Than Jesus, the show is like surfing the internet..."
- CBC Radio
A one-man anti-commercialism circus that's not afraid to let out a fart joke,..."Miller (is) a consummate entertainer who is both seriously funny and smart..."
- Winnipeg Free Press
Really edgy, often very cynical, but quite hilarious..."
- CBC Radio, Winnipeg
Miller's greatest skill is not unlike that of a jazz virtuoso: he riffs superbly... "
- The Toronto Star
I'm still not sure what suasion and the limbic system have to do with Ayn Rand in purple fuzzy slippers having sex in a backstage dressing room - but I think I like it"
- The Globe and Mail
"HARDSELL succinctly illustrates how living in a consumer society seems to either makes hypocrites out of us or turn us into self-righteous jerks."
- The Globe and Mail
a work that is as much a theatrical thoughtscape as a landscape... as a provocateur, Miller's quicksilver talent and charm remains undiminished..."
- The Toronto Sun
"HARDSELL is another Miller/Brooks opus that fascinates like a cobra. Hypnotized, we can’t look away..."
- Classical 96 FM
Rick Miller addresses brutal truths in HARDSELL, a thoughtful and entertaining show about maintaining a healthy conscience in a free market..."
- NOW Magazine
à la Bigger Than Jesus, the show is like surfing the internet..."
- CBC Radio
A one-man anti-commercialism circus that's not afraid to let out a fart joke,..."Miller (is) a consummate entertainer who is both seriously funny and smart..."
- Winnipeg Free Press
Really edgy, often very cynical, but quite hilarious..."
- CBC Radio, Winnipeg
If you are with the press or a media outlet please log in for your press materials.